Is your question not listed? Then contact us.

What are the opening hours of the reception? What are the opening hours of the reception?

The reception is open from 08:00 in the morning until 23:00 in the evening. The check-in time starts from 15:00 in the afternoon, an earlier check-in is on request and subject to availability. Please make sure you are checked in before 23:00.

How do I get to the reception? How do I get to the reception?

The Amadi Park Hotel reception is located on the 4th floor of an apartment complex. On arrival, please ring the bell via the display to the left of the entrance. When entering the building, follow the yellow arrows to walk to the "Hotel" elevator and take this hotel elevator to the 4th floor. At the gallery, turn right to the reception where we would like to welcome you.

Can I make a reservation without a credit card? Can I make a reservation without a credit card?

The hotel asks for a deposit of €150 in cash if no credit card guarantee can be given during check-in.